2011 Apr

Header: "Sri Lanka" series of articles

(the first two articles in this series mention vomiting)

Throughout this series of articles, there are several phrases with the initials “IBIS”, alluding to my avian life-list, the Index of Birds I’ve Sensed, which I often added to whilst in Sri Lanka. The frequency of such phrases declines when I see fewer examples of new species. How many can you find? Some examples to start you off are:

Apr 11 Mon Map: for 2011Apr11, showing Kithulgala, the River Kelani, Sri Lanka, etc.

I woke up, still with a head-ache. I heard birds, so I arose and drank tea, which I regurgitated back up again. I drank more tea, and puked again. I drank more water, and an anti-vomiting tablet, and the water was excreted via the oesophagus. I drank more water, which was orally expelled.

I had lunch; my head-ache subsided. Phew. Now I can concentrate on manufacturing acronyms for “IBIS”. Iridescent birds including sapphire-green somethings delighted in berry-eating, in swooping, in being intriguingly sparkly.

Yellow-fronted Barbet -- Photo 2

We were ferried across a river, where locals invariably bathed. I saw an impressive beast in shallow water - a monitor lizard! I’m blissful I sighted it before it swam off.

Monitor -- Photo 1

Rain fell and we saw a kingfisher. We walked through a jungle. What we saw included brilliant insects, centipedes, and, it being a rainy forest, leeches. About seven leeches latched onto my feet. Some fed successfully. Or unsuccessfully, depending on your viewpoint.

Sri Lankan jungle

I’ven’t been ill since I bit into sandwiches at lunchtime!

I ate a cheese-burger for tea! With tomato catch-up [sic].

Previous: 2011 Apr 09 (in the “Sri Lanka” series)

Next: 2011 Apr 12 (in the “Sri Lanka” series)